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New Research Finds Half-Cardio, Half-Strength Training Reduces Cardiovascular Disease Risks - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

Approximately one in three deaths in the U.S. is caused by cardiovascular disease. A robust body of evidence shows aerobic exercise can r […]

Carbon Ultrafine Particles Accelerate Lung Cancer Progression - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

In a new study Dr. Farrah Kheradmand and their team discovered that exposure to ultrafine particles alters the function of immune cells i […]

There Is a Gender Gap Between Women and Men When It Comes to Exercise - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

A new study from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai shows there is a gender gap between women and men when it comes to exercise. I […]

People Experience More Health and Wellbeing Issues When They Feel Overwhelmed by Stressful Situations - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

People who tend to view stressful situations as a threat are more likely to experience health and wellbeing problems, both mental and phy […]

Benefits of Resistance Exercise Training in Treatment of Anxiety and Depression - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

A new study by researchers at University of Limerick in Ireland and at Iowa State University has demonstrated the impact resistance exerc […]

Feeling Depressed Linked to Short-Term Increase in Body Weight - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

Increases in symptoms of depression are associated with a subsequent increase in body weight when measured one month later, new research […]

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