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Calcium, Vitamin D May Lower Female Cancer Risk but Raise Heart Disease Risk - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

Use of calcium and vitamin D supplements in women who are postmenopausal may reduce the risk of death from cancer, but they may also incr […]

Anabolic Steroid Use Can Increase Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

People using anabolic steroids could be increasing their underlying risk of a heart condition called atrial fibrillation, a new study has […]

Scientists Identify How Dietary Restriction Slows Brain Aging and Increases Lifespan - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

Restricting calories is known to improve health and increase lifespan, but much of how it does so remains a mystery, especially in regard […]

‘Furry Fruit’ Improves Mental Health - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

Kiwifruit has proven itself as a powerful mood booster and new research from the University of Otago has shown just how fast its effects […]

New Type of Nanoparticle Makes Vaccines More Powerful - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

Many vaccines, including vaccines for hepatitis B and whooping cough, consist of fragments of viral or bacterial proteins. These vaccines […]

PFAS in Blood Are Ubiquitous — and They Are Associated with an Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases - Dr. Ramon - Ramon De La Puerta, MD

Researchers at DZNE provide evidence that traces of the widely used PFAS chemicals in human blood are associated with unfavorable lipid p […]

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